Boss Fight

One of the most exciting features of Battlico is the Boss Fight mode. In this mode, players team up to take on a powerful boss character that is controlled by the game's AI. The boss character has a wide range of powerful abilities and attacks, and players must work together to take it down.

In a match, 6 players fight one Boss.

You can unite both with players from the clan, and choose a team from the general search.

Each player has 3 lives. As soon as a player spends his last life, he is out of the match.

Your task is to defeat the boss until he defeats you.

The match ends when all players run out of lives, or when the boss is defeated.

We have thought of a complex boss skill randomization system, so it will be difficult to develop a 100% strategy for victory. But you can try, because the rewards are worth it!

Reward system

It will be possible to play boss fight only for tokens.

The reward is formed from the total pool of teams that failed before you.ะnd is divided evenly among the entire team.

The price of entry into the boss fight is 500 LICO tokens.


You entered the boss fight and defeated the boss. 17 teams lost before you, so your reward will be = 17 x (6 players for 500 tokens = 3000 tokens per team) = 51000 LICO tokens. Each player on the winning team will receive 7500 tokens

The Boss Fight mode is designed to be challenging and requires players to use strategy and teamwork to succeed. It is a great way to test your skills and earn rewards.

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