How to start using the game?

Creating an Account

The first step to using Battlico is to create an account. You can do this by downloading the game Battlico from the available app stores and registering an account. Once you create an account, you will be able to access the game and start playing.

Setting up Your Wallet

The next step is to set up your digital wallet. Battlico uses blockchain technology to create a secure and transparent gaming experience, and your digital wallet is essential for storing and transferring in-game items and currency.

As soon as you download the app and register in it, your wallet will be automatically created and linked to your Battlico account.

Playing the Game

Once you've created an account and set up your wallet, you're ready to start playing Battlico. The game is designed to be fast-paced and action-packed, with a wide range of characters to choose from.

To start playing, simply select a character and jump into a game. You'll be able to earn rewards for participating in battles and completing challenges, and these rewards can be traded or sold on cryptocurrency exchange.

Joining the Community

Battlico has an engaging community of players who are passionate about the game and its unique features. Joining the community is a great way to connect with other players, learn more about the game, and provide feedback to the development team.

To join the community, you can visit the Anarch4 website or join one of the many Battlico forums and discussion groups online. You can also follow Anarch4 on social media to stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates about the game.


In conclusion, getting started with Battlico is easy and straightforward. By creating an account, setting up your wallet, and jumping into a game, you can start experiencing the excitement and security of this unique MOBA game.

Joining the Battlico community is also a great way to enhance your gaming experience and connect with other players who share your passion for this exciting new game. With its unique features and engaging gameplay, Battlico is quickly becoming one of the most popular MOBA games on the market.

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